Category: Clubs
Hits: 7770

Every year a village collection has been made to help support the Kingsley Community Association and Kingsley News, which is delivered, free of charge, to homes in Kingsley. Last year this raised approximately £850- for which we would like to say thank you. The suggested donation is £5 per household, and £3 for pensioners or those on low income. Although we would very much appreciate it if anyone were able and willing to donate more than this.

In previous years we have made door to door visits in order to pick up donations. However this is a major burden on our volunteers and we would therefore like to change our collection process.

Also a number of people have asked whether it would be possible to donate online, or pay directly into the bank.

This year we would like to offer a number of ways to donate:
1. To pay directly into the KCA bank account, our details are;
Bank :- Natwest;
Account name :- Kingsley Community Association
Sort code :- 53-70-21
Account no. :- 60177683
Payment Reference :- KCA donation
Payment can be via a single payment or, if you prefer, you can set up an annual standing order with your bank.

2. Donations can also be placed in the collection box at the community centre or handed in at Holland's Pharmacy, who I would like to thank for offering to do this.

3. They can also be posted to 58 Beechview Road, Kingsley WA6 8DG - Please make cheques payable to "Kingsley Community Association".

GIFT AID - Please note that due administrative requirements of the Gift Aid scheme and the small size of most of the donations, we will NOT be claiming gift aid on these donations. Should however anyone wish to donate more than £100, then arrangements can be made for gift aid to apply. Please contact Paul Atkinson (our Treasurer) on 01928 787971 for details.

Please note that on behalf of the KCA, I would like to thank everyone for any donations.

Mike Butler KCA Chairman