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Brownies and Guides in Kingsley

Guide Logo

Kingsley has an active Brownie and Guide unit. Please click on the logo's below for further information on each.

1st Kingsley Brownies

Brownies Logo Brownies is a part of Girl Guiding UK. Our members are girls aged between 7 and 10yrs. We take Brownies on a Brownie Adventure, with activities, games and badges designed to help a Brownie develop an understanding and awareness of herself, her Community and of the world around her. We also enjoy an annual, themed Pack Holiday weekend every year, during which we visit a local attraction. In 2012 it was all about the stars and we visited Jodrell Bank Observatory. In the past we have visited Blue Planet, Chester Zoo, Tatton Hall Park Farm...etc etc.

1st Kingsley Brownies has been in existence since the 1930's and we meet on Wednesday evenings, in term time, between 5.45 and 7pm in Kingsley Village.

If you think your child may be interested in joining our Pack, please contact Sue Elliott for details at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (enclose your telephone number and we'll call you back.)

If you would like to find out more about Brownies in general, you could try the Brownie website

If you think you might like to be involved with Brownies or with any other part of Girl Guiding, take a look at the Guiding website for more information

Sue, Tina & Tracy (Brownie Leaders).

Information Leaflet

For more information on some of the activities Brownies do please read or print off the following leaflet.


Kingsley & Norley Guides

Guide LogoKingsley & Norley Guides meet on Monday evenings, from 7.00-8.30pm.

We meet alternately in Kingsley & Norley villages. Guides can join from when they are 10 and finish at the age of 15.

Guiding is a game - with a purpose! It provides opportunities for girls to be challenged by new adventures & experiences, develop self awareness and self confidence, learn to think for themselves and make their own decisions, make friends and have fun, and much much more.

Being a Guide is all about belonging to a group, learning new skills, making new friends and helping others. Each Guide is encouraged to achieve her own personal goals through a progressive programme with the opportunity to work for a wide variety of badges. This allows the girl to mature and develop at her own pace.

Guides work together in Patrols, groups of four to eight girls, providing a ready-made group of friends and helping the girls to feel that they belong to something special. They elect their own Patrol Leader. A Patrol plans its own activities with the support of the Guide Leader so that each Guide learns to share in decisions that affect herself and others in the Patrol.

If you are interested in finding out more, or joining, please contact
Sue on 01606 892779
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Cheshire Forest Guides:
Official Guide Website:

Information Leaflet

For more information on some of the activities Guides do please read or print off the following leaflet.