Category: News
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We have two walks each month:

We meet at the Community Centre at 9.30am, when car sharing/lifts can be arranged. Note, however, that from March to November, we will meet for the long walks at 9.00am. This is to allow us more travelling time during these months.

Participation is informal, and not limited to residents of Kingsley. However walkers are responsible for assessing their ability to participate, and should be suitably attired, including boots.

Programmes for the current year are shown below. Details of a planned walk may not be available until nearer to the date of the walk, but may be obtained from the walks co-ordinators below.

For more information, please telephone Chris (01928 788068) especially for long walks, Jim (01928 788132) for short walks, or Maureen (01928 787055).

Short Walks 2020

The short walks this year are changing to the 4th Tuesday of the month. Also the December walk is traditionally a local walk, probably with lunch at the Red Bull, but this will be confirmed nearer the time.

Long Walks 2020

Awaiting 2020 update