Category: WI News
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The talks given at the November and December meetings by our speakers  Alan Hayhurst and Alice Dyson couldn't have been more different. After the AGM in November Alan explained the mystery surrounding the murder of Julia Walker in  Liverpool while Alice, a very enthusiastic Kingsley resident, demonstrated  making Greeting Cards for a great variety of Special Occasions.


For 2015 our Committee remains the same and, as again this year, no member is willing to take on the role of President; as there were no objections raised the system of the previous year will be adopted, that is a few members of the committee take on the Presidency role in rotation throughout the year.

In January we welcomed in the New Year by enjoying together a delicious meal provided by Harvey's Catering Company.We were delighted to have the chairman of CFWI Frances Woollam as our Guest of Honour who entertained us with amusing anecdotes throughout her life with the WI and told us of the wonderful opportunities the organisation had given her. Members were delighted to see the wonderful Banner, designed and made by our extremely talented member Mary Roberts, which is to represent Kingsley WI in the forthcoming Centenary celebrations of the National Federation of Women’s Institutes founded in 1915.

A lively programme is promised this year along with outings such as a visit this month to Theatre Live at The Vue Cinema to enjoy Lehar’s  Operetta,  'The Merry Widow'  along with other monthly activities of the Lively Hands and  Minds ,the Scrabble Group, the Walkers  and later in the year the Crown Green Bowlers ! A Luncheon Group also meets every 3rd Friday of the month.

Please note that visitors will be guaranteed a warm welcome at any of the first Monday’s of the month meetings. Perhaps the February 4th meeting will be of particular interest to fellow villagers as Peter Robinson will be speaking about Old Kingsley! So do come and join us.