Category: News
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Site Manager: Ian Forber | Mobile:  0776 486 5200 | Email:     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Week ending 11 September 2020

Photos available at

Morning all,

This week we have the roof trusses going on plot 10 and 11 bungalows the trusses have been made by Cheshire truss company so haven’t had too far to travel to site.

Plot 7 ( detached house) has had the floor joists and floor boards put in

Plot 8/9 is now at floor joist height and I expect them to go on towards the end of next week.

We are still waiting on a response from Cheshire west and Chester regarding tarmac to the roads, the roads passed all tests with flying colours so just a waiting game now.

Deliveries next week are

2  wagons of blocks

1 wagon of face brick

1 wagon of block paving and flags

1 wagon of timber

I will be putting a UBU sweeper on early next week and then will see about another towards the end of the week

Kind Regards


Site Manager

Mobile:  07764856200

Email:     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.