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We’re excited to inform you that we have launched the Phase Two Consultation for Frodsham Solar today.

Our Phase Two consultation is running between Thursday 7th November and Thursday 19th December 2024. We are asking for written feedback to be provided on or before this date.

As part of this phase of consultation, we are consulting on the Preliminary Environmental Information Report (PEIR), which is available to view via the project website:

Our Phase Two Community Consultation Leaflet provides background to Cubico, an overview of our updated proposal and details of how you can get involved in our consultation.

We’re also holding five in-person information events and one online community webinar on the dates listed below. Further details can be found on Page 14 of the consultation leaflet attached.

Monday 25th November, 3pm – 7pm – Christchurch Hall, Sandy Lane, Weston Point, Runcorn, WA7 4EU

Tuesday 26th November, 2pm – 6.30pm – Helsby Community Centre, Lower Robin Hood Lane, Frodsham, WA6 0BW

Friday 29th November, 3pm – 7pm – Elton Community Centre, School Lane, Elton, Chester, CH2 4PU

Saturday 30th November, 1.30pm – 5.30pm – Frodsham Community Centre, Fluin Lane, Frodsham, WA6 7QN

Monday 2nd December, 2.30pm – 6.30pm – Frodsham Community Centre, Fluin Lane, Frodsham, WA6 7QN

Wednesday 4th December – Online Community Webinar via Zoom. Register your attendance here.

We are keen to hear views on our proposals and are inviting written feedback. You can provide feedback via our online feedback form, by completing a hard copy feedback form, or by writing to us via email or our freepost address. All comments we receive will be considered by the team as we work to refine our proposals ahead of submitting a Development Consent Order application in 2025.

Please get in touch via our communication lines (listed below) if you have any further questions or if you would like to further engage with the project team during the consultation period.

Kind regards,

Mark Flaherty

Development Manager