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Graham Warburton

Well, March came in like a lamb with several sunny still days, and it certainly went out like a lion. Gales blew, and driving rain and hail made field work impossible. For 10 days we could not turn a wheel. Potato planting, spraying, ploughing and drilling spring barley and fertilising all had to stop. The fleece we use to cover our ‘first earlies’ (potatoes), withstood the gales quite well, with only a little bit blown off and ripped. Thanks to Richard and George for making such a good job of putting it on. The old saying ‘March Many Weather ‘was never more true.

Our snowdrops were out in January this year, quickly followed by crocus and the daffodils. It is not Spring until the daffs are out, but they certainly took a battering in the driving winds. The final Spring bulb, the Tulip, is now in bud and should be a fantastic show when you read this article.


Our ewes started to lamb on March 20th. A steady flow of lambs followed until Lulu, who was the size of a house, produced triplets for the third year running. The first two were born normally, but the third was backwards, coming bottom first, only its tail was showing. After much pushing and twisting, I managed to get the back legs out, and soon the rest followed. All three are doing fine. It is a bit of a struggle to feed three as ewes only have two teats. However, she always manages to feed them all. They are all out to spring grass now, and growing very quickly.

As you may be aware, the whole CAP support system has changed this year. The old system has worked fine for the past 12 years, so it was only a matter of time before the EU politicians decided to alter it and make it even more complicated!.... The first rule change was that everyone had to ‘Register’ again and apply online. This was fine, as we had submitted our claim online for several years very successfully. Every time we tried to log on, the system was down for upgrading, technical problems etc. After a couple of weeks, with constant glitches and problems, the RPA abandoned the online system altogether and decided to send out paper copies instead. The cost of the new computer system was £360 M!!!

As the General Election gets closer, politicians are cosying up to farmers to try to get their vote. Unfortunately for them the vast majority of our rules and regulations are made in Brussels and implemented by the Rural Payments Agency (RPA). It is pointless, from a farmers point of view to lobby our MP’s as they do not have much influence.

The Kingsley Parish Council is also up for Election on May 7th. I will be standing for election again, and hope I can rely on your vote. My profile is as follows:

Cllr Graham Warburton – Councillor Profile

I was born on the family farm, Hatley Farm at Frodsham in 1958.

I moved to Depmore Farm at Kingsley in 1994. I have run the family farm for the past 35 years, with my wife Elizabeth. I have two grown-up children.

I have served on the parish council for 13 years and as cemetery co-ordinator for 12 years, overseeing the extension in 2005, completion of the new entrance in 2007, and replacement of the stolen gates in 2009. I served as Chairman in 2006, and again in 2014 I am interested in all farming, conservation, countryside and local community issues. I have held office at NFU Regional Level. I enjoy watching cricket, supporting my son who is a keen player, and following my football team Man Utd. I will endeavour to continue to work for the good of the local community. I will be happy to discuss any issues you may have. Just get in touch.

WARBURTONS NEW POTATOES will be available from Hatley Farm, Frodsham, WA6 6XX (along the A56) from mid-May onwards. Look for the signs along the Frodsham/Helsby road.

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Please e-mail me on the following address with any comments: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Graham Warburton - Warburtons Farms 01928 788329