Category: Neighbourhood Alert
Hits: 6275

Message sent by: Sam Cox (NHWN, Administrator, UK)

Dear All,

The Neighbourhood and Home Watch movement is one of the largest voluntary crime prevention initiatives across the country. Groups typically operate in a variety of communities to help bring neighbours together who want to look out for each other, creating strong, friendly, active communities where crime and antisocial behaviour is less likely to happen.


In order to evaluate Neighbourhood and Home Watch groups across England and Wales, the Neighbourhood and Home Watch Network (NHWN) invite you to participate in our national survey to help us assess the perceived impact and effectiveness of the movement.

To take part, please select the relevant survey from the list below;

Please only complete the survey once.

Your participation and feedback is greatly appreciated. Please note all surveys are due to close at 5pm on Friday 31st January 2014.