Kingsley Village
in the heart of Cheshire
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Home Security Advice

Dear Resident, 

Did you know that burglars are more likely to use entry points to the rear of properties such as windows and back doors or patio doors. This is likely due to being less visible, therefore a lower chance of detection. 

Here’s some useful advice to help keep burglars out…

  • Keep your fences and hedges low at the front of your property so that anyone attempting to enter your property can be seen easily.
  • At the rear and sides, taller fencing is recommended, to prevent easy access. Make it difficult to climb over the fence or gate by adding trellis, thorny plants, or a suitable anti-climb topping such as plastic spikes.
  • Planting prickly or barbed shrubbery along boundaries and fence lines acts as an effective natural barrier.
  • Lighting is a good deterrent and a clear, low white light that activates at dusk to dawn is recommended. Make sure they are installed at both the front and rear of your property. 
  • If you have a house alarm, use it! Even if you are only planning to be out for a brief time, use it. Burglars are often only minutes inside a property so do not assume that just because you are not going to be away for hours or days that you shouldn’t set your alarm. 
  • If you do not have a house alarm, then look at alternatives such as window and door alarms. These can be applied to the window or door and are fitted with a loud siren alarm. Smashing windows and glass doors is the most common method used to gain access so by adding a simple alarm to the glass can be an effective deterrent. 
  • Leaving your windows open during warmer months allows easy access to your property. So, remember to keep all windows and doors locked when you leave the house or go to bed.
  • Burglars will sometimes monitor movements and routine. Install smart plugs that run your lights by a timer and tell a trusted neighbour to keep an eye out.
  • Store any high value items (i.e. jewellery, cash) in a properly secured safe. It should be anchored to the ground or secured to a wall. If you can move it, then a burglar can too. 
  • CCTV, together with the above, can be a good deterrent. The Internet of Things ‘IOT’ has moved into Wi-Fi doorbells and camera systems which can be linked to your phone and tablet to alert you to any activation and view your property in real-time. You should position cameras where they are best able to obtain decent quality facial images. Some cameras work by day and by night, and record when they detect movement. For advice and approved suppliers of CCTV visit the National Security Inspectorate and the Security Systems and Alarms Inspection Board.
  • Finally, report anything suspicious to the Police and consider joining a local Neighbourhood Watch Scheme. 

We hope this helps. 

Crime Prevention Team 

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Over 22,000 email and social media account hacked

Data from Action Fraud, the national fraud and cybercrime reporting service, shows that 22,530 people reported that their online accounts had been hacked in 2023, with victims losing a total of £1.3 million.

How are accounts hacked?

On-platform chain hacking

This is when a fraudster gains control of an account and begins to impersonate the legitimate owner. The goal is to convince people to reveal authentication codes that are sent to them via text. Many victims of this type of hacking believe it’s a friend messaging them, however the shared code was associated with their own account and the impersonator can now use it to access their account. Usually when an account is taken over, fraudsters monetise control of the account via the promotion of various fraudulent schemes, while impersonating the original account owner. 

Leaked passwords and phishing

The other predominant method of hacking reported is leaked information used from data breaches, such as leaked passwords, or account details gained via phishing scams. This becomes prevalent as people often use the same password for multiple accounts, so a leaked password from one website can leave many of their online accounts vulnerable to hacking. 




How to secure your accounts 

  • Use a strong and different password for your email and social media accounts. Your email and social media passwords should be strong and different from all your other passwords. Combining three random words that each mean something to you is a great way to create a password that is easy to remember but hard to crack.
  • Turn on 2-Step Verification (2SV) for your email and social media accounts. 2-Step Verification (2SV) gives you twice the protection so even if cyber criminals have your password, they can't access your email or social media account. 2SV works by asking for more information to prove your identity. For example, getting a code sent to your phone when you sign in using a new device or change settings such as your password. You won't be asked for this every time you check your email or social media.

If you live in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and have been a victim of fraud or cybercrime, report it at or by calling 0300 123 2040. In Scotland, victims of fraud and cybercrime should report to Police Scotland on 101.

If you receive a suspicious email, you can report it by forwarding the email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Find out how to protect yourself from fraud:

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Stop! Think fraud.

Did you know? 

Fraud accounts for almost 40% of all crime. In just one year, 1 in 17 adults in England and Wales were victims of fraud. That’s nearly 3 million of us.

1 in 5 businesses were also a victim of fraud over a 3 year period. In other words, fraud is rife and it can happen to anyone.

Think you’re immune from fraud?

Fraudsters can use highly manipulative methods to get us when our defences are down. Nobody is immune from fraud. We can all be more alert to the risks, and we can all do more to protect ourselves.

4 ways to frustrate a fraudster




Q1. Do you stop to check who’s really contacting you?

Fraudsters often call or message people, pretending to be from their bank, other well-known and trusted companies, or even someone they know. They can be very convincing, particularly if they’ve already managed to get hold of some personal information, for example by looking on social media. Having earned their victim’s trust, they often ask them to hand over confidential information, make a payment or give them access to their phone or computer.

How to reduce your risk

Never take calls or messages like this at face value – always take time to stop, think and check if the caller or sender is who they say they are.

If you’ve received a suspicious call or message:

  • don’t be rushed into a quick decision – think carefully before handing over money, personal details or access to your device
  • if you have any doubts, hang up and do not call the number provided
  • be aware that fraudsters can spoof phone numbers, so the number that appears on your caller ID may not be proof of who they are
  • instead, check with the organisation directly using contact details you know are correct, such as those on a utility bill, official website, on the back of your card or by 159 for banks
  • if you get a message from a family member asking you to send money, use known contact details to check if it’s real




Q2. Do you automatically trust offers and click on links?

“Half-price tickets to a sold-out gig!” “Incredible savings on a last-minute holiday – hurry!” Fraudsters know most people love a bargain, so they use discounts, time pressure and FOMO (fear of missing out) to pressure them into paying out for non-existent deals. Or they urge people to click on links in phishing messages that can take them to a fake website, where the fraudster can steal cash and personal details, or infect the victim’s device.

How to reduce your risk

If you see a tempting offer:

  • don’t be rushed into a quick decision – always take time to stop, think and check if the message, offer or advert is genuine
  • don’t automatically click a link, particularly in unexpected messages
  • if you’re not 100% sure, don’t use the link to click through – go direct to the organisation’s website
  • always stay on trusted websites and use the site’s recommended payment methods
  • avoid paying by bank transfer or virtual currency
  • think carefully before you hand over any money or personal details

Q3. Do you use the same password for different accounts?

Lots of people use the same password for multiple accounts, such as email, bank account and social media accounts. Less to remember, right? But imagine if a fraudster gets hold of that password. Now they can access all of their victim’s online accounts. 

How to reduce your risk

Choose a different password for each account. Too difficult to remember them all? You can keep track of passwords using a password manager, or by using three random words to make them more memorable. 

You should:

  • never choose a password that features names, places and numbers that are personal to you
  • choose a different password for each account that is strong and hard to guess but if you can’t change them all at once, prioritise your email account 

Q4. Do you use 2-step verification?

Even if someone has chosen strong and unique passwords for their email and bank accounts, there’s always a risk – however small – that a fraudster could get hold of them. If they do, there’s nothing to stop them accessing those accounts to steal money and other personal details.

How to reduce your risk

Setup 2-step verification (2SV) on your most important accounts, such as email and social media. 2SV works by asking for more information to prove your identity when you’re logging into an online account. It’s one of the most effective ways to protect your online accounts from criminals.

For more information, please visit:



It is the start of spring and at Neighbourhood Watch Network we are working at providing you with our next round of Crime Prevention Webinars.  So we are delighted to invite you to register and attend these during the week beginning 18th March 2024

We have invited experts in their field to talk about Burglary in a digital age, Antisocial Behaviour aimed at our heritage buildings and sites, addressing Vehicle Crime, exploring Isolation and Loneliness and knowing what to do if we are victims of Stalking or how we can support them.

When are the webinars being held

The webinars are held online via Zoom and will be from 4.30pm - 5.30pm each week day during that week.

Booking your place on our webinars

To book your place you will need to register for each of the webinars that you wish to join.  There is a limited amount of space and we want to ensure that you do not miss out.

The links for registering for  our webinars

Day Webinar Link to register
Monday 18th Taking your home security to the next level (burglary trends and technology) Register HERE 
Tuesday 19th ASB & Heritage crime – not just an issue for rural communities Register HERE
Wednesday 20th Top tips from policing’s tactical lead for vehicle crime Register HERE
Thursday 21st Understanding the role of isolation & loneliness in scams Register HERE
Friday 22nd Stalking and female personal safety Register HERE

We look forward to welcoming you to join the conversation with us.  Please do feel free to share this message to all of your networks and invite them to join us too.

Best wishes


Please note that our website, will be down for a short period on Monday 18th March for essential works.

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Courier Fraud - Please Read

Dear Resident, 

Unfortunately, we have seen an increase in reports of courier fraud in Cheshire.

What is it -

Courier fraud occurs when a fraudster contacts victims by telephone purporting to be a police officer or bank official. The caller might be able to confirm some easily obtainable basic details about the victim such as their full name and address.

The caller may also offer a telephone number for the victim to telephone or ask the victim to call the number on the back of their bank card to check that they are genuine.

In these circumstances, either the number offered will not be genuine or, where a genuine number is suggested, the fraudster will stay on the line and pass the victim to a different individual.

The fraudster will then suggest;

- Some money has been removed from a victim’s bank account and staff at their local bank branch are responsible.

- Suspects have already been arrested but the “police” need money for evidence.

- A business such as a jewellers or currency exchange is operating fraudulently, and they require assistance to help secure evidence.

Victims are then asked to co-operate in an investigation by attending their bank and withdrawing money, withdrawing foreign currency from an exchange, or purchasing an expensive item to hand over to a courier for examination who will also be a fraudster.

Be aware –

Your bank or the police will NEVER call you to ask you to verify your personal details or PIN by phone, ask you to help with an investigation or offer to pick up your card by courier.

You should hang up immediately if you get a call like this.

If you need to call your bank back to check, wait five minutes; fraudsters may stay on the line after you hang up. Alternatively, use a different line altogether to call your bank.


Please share this with elderly friends and family as it often those who are targeted.


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