Kingsley Village
in the heart of Cheshire

Cheshire Constabulary

Kingsley and Gowy Police Update – August 2021

PCSO Netherton – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Hello Kingsley and Gowy, hope you are all well.

Monthly update it has shown it has been calm month.

Crime update –

The update will include information relevant to the local residents.

  • 5x reports of suspicious activity throughout the villages. The reports are concerning suspicious vehicles and individuals. Please continue to report such activity so officers can be deployed at the time of the report and they are recorded and passed on to intelligence base.

  • 1 x burg reported in from out building insecure.

  • 1 x reports of theft across the area, all relating to parcels being delivered.

  • 1 x Reports of ASB in Kingsley Playing fields


Email enquiries.

I have several issues that I was asked to look at: Parking in Alvanley near to junction of commonside and frodsham road on the grass verge there are no offences vehicles are well clear of any of the junctions and parking on a grass verge is not an offence.

I have reports of ASB in the allotments in Barrow all has been in order when I patrolled the area.

Dog incidents

We have had several incidents involving dogs in the last month, often these can be dealt with by the dog warden whom can be contacted via the local authorities (CWAC). I have placed some of the dangerous dog act below along with the website

Dangerously Out of Control (including where a dog bites a person or assistance dog i.e. guide dog)

A dog is 'dangerously out of control' if,
in any place public or private, there are grounds for reasonable apprehension that will injure any person or assistance dog, whether or not it actually does so. If a dog is dangerously out of control then the owner of the dog, and any other person who was in charge of it at the time, commits an offence.
Where a dog injures another dog or other animal without giving rise to
reasonable apprehension that a person or assistance dog will be injured then no offence has been committed. A dog is neither dangerous, nor dangerously out of control, just because it harms another animal - (except see next section for livestock).

Dog Bite Register
Where a dog has bitten someone regardless of whether someone is prosecuted the dog bite incident should be reported to the police with details of the owner or address the dog.

Dogs worrying livestock
If a dog worries livestock on any agricultural land the owner of the dog, and any other person in charge of it at the time, commits an offence.
The dog can be seized if the owner isn't present.

NOTE: In certain circumstances a dog worrying certain livestock, or about to worry certain livestock, may be lawfully shot and killed by farmers/landowners/etc in order to protect the livestock.

You can contact Cheshire rural crime team for further advice or look at the below


Road Safety –

I’ve complete road safety activity each week. I alternate between villages and ask the community for feedback for the best locations and times. See Facebook and Twitter for my road safety engagement. All vehicles caught speeding are dealt via the ticket office.

Operation update -

We are holding the weekly surgeries virtually until further notice. Please see Facebook and Twitter for dates and times, also I will be trying out some pop up surgeries in different areas.    

Fraud - 

Fraud seems to be one of the reported issues we have, it appears there are lots of the usual scams from HMRC, TV license and Bank related, romance and charity are still being used and seem to target the vulnerable and the elderly. Action fraud website can give good advice and it’s has the number to call for advice.


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