Notice of AGM- Tuesday 7th May 2019 at 7.30pm at Kingsley Community Centre
It is that time of year again for the KCA AGM- we are always looking for new people to get involved in any way. If you are at all interested, then please give me a call on 788788 (Elizabeth Batey) or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
In the past couple of years we have had a couple of new people join the committee which has helped give us new ideas and fresh insight into how the Centre can be run for the benefit of the village as a whole. One example of the changes we have made has enabled us to allow bouncy castles to be used for children’s parties, as a number of people had requested this and through changes to our insurance, numerous children, and parents have benefitted. Over the last 12 months, the Centre has been busier than ever with numerous new groups involved, hundreds of people have used the centre to either participate or watch an event, yet the running of the centre falls to just a few people. Any help you may be able to give can make a big difference to the events that we have all enjoyed and broaden the type of events held in the village.
If you would like to stand as part of the committee, again please get in touch, or come along to the AGM and have a chat with the committee. At the AGM the accounts for 2018-2019 will be presented, please feel free to come along.
New ideas and events are always welcome; if you would like to get involved with a single event or on a longer term basis then please get in touch.
Kingsley St. John's Primary School April 2019 Newsletter
Is your journey to work, your local school, shops, bus stop or station made unsafe or more difficult by the condition of a footpath or road, due to say a pothole, manhole cover, overgrown hedge, obstruction or another fault?
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