Kingsley Village
in the heart of Cheshire


Kingsley Neighbourhood Plan

Forget Brexit, take back control of Kingsley!


We’ve arranged 2 drop-in events in March so the Neighbourhood Plan Steering group can update you on our progress so far. So please come along and find out about: 

  • What is a Neighbourhood Plan & why Kingsley needs one so we can help shape future development
  • What we’ve achieved in the last 12 months
  • Results from an independently commissioned Housing Needs Survey
  • Our findings from our first public consultation
  • Our next steps 

We’ve drafted the Vision & Objectives for the Kingsley Neighbourhood Plan and we want to get your feedback on these so we can check with you that we have got them right, as they will set the direction for what we will be aiming to achieve with the Neighbourhood Plan.

When & where are the events

  • Saturday 6th April at the Community Centre between 10am - 1.00pm
  • Wednesday 10th April at The Village Institute between 6.00pm - 9.00pm

We look forward to seeing you at one of the drop-in events.


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