Apprenticeship schemes are available at Forresters in Kingsley, they are wanting to take on 14 apprentices; 10 manufacturing, 2 engineering and 2 warehousing.
They’re offering national minimum wage, excellent career development opportunities and full training supported by Total People.
All vacancies are on the National Apprenticeship Service website and on Total People’s site.
(Please do not reply directly to this email, please use the Reply button at the bottom of this message)
Message sent by Phil Brandreth (Police, PCSO, Western Rural NPU)
Monthly Newsletter 2015
Western Rural Police Team
Email western.rural.npu@cheshire.
Twitter @WesternRuralNPU
Message from Inspector Keith Curbishley
Spring has definitely arrived and many people are spending time tidying their gardens up, which inevitably means opening sheds and garages and dusting off various forms of equipment. In doing so, please be mindful that criminals will use this opportunity to view what you have stored in your garage, whilst the door is open, or even seize the opportunity to take unattended equipment or sneak into a house whilst the occupant is busy in the garden. Please enjoy the nice weather, but do not make yourself vulnerable to becoming a victim of crime.
I would also like to reinforce the message about not being tempted to get behind the wheel of your car after you have enjoyed a drink. The warmer evenings and increasing number of events which are held during the summer months may tempt people to have ‘just one more’ drink with friends. Such a decision could violently end a great many friendships in an instant! Please support any friends or family who may be a ‘nominated driver’ and challenge anyone who you hear saying to a friend “You’ll be alright with just one…”
Well, March came in like a lamb with several sunny still days, and it certainly went out like a lion. Gales blew, and driving rain and hail made field work impossible. For 10 days we could not turn a wheel. Potato planting, spraying, ploughing and drilling spring barley and fertilising all had to stop. The fleece we use to cover our ‘first earlies’ (potatoes), withstood the gales quite well, with only a little bit blown off and ripped. Thanks to Richard and George for making such a good job of putting it on. The old saying ‘March Many Weather ‘was never more true.
Our snowdrops were out in January this year, quickly followed by crocus and the daffodils. It is not Spring until the daffs are out, but they certainly took a battering in the driving winds. The final Spring bulb, the Tulip, is now in bud and should be a fantastic show when you read this article.
Message sent by |
Action Fraud (Action Fraud, Administrator, National) |
Action Fraud and the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB) have been made aware that there are currently a number of emails being sent out that appear to be coming from Apple iTunes, detailing a recent purchase.
The email states that if customers did not purchase the item they should click on the link provided to obtain a refund. Once redirected to a web page they are asked to fill out their card and other personal details. This is a spam email with links to a malicious web page that is being used to harvest personal details, possibly in order to access victim’s bank accounts.
Protect yourself:
• Double check where the email has come from before clicking on the link
• Check your iTunes account for recent activity
• Consider contacting iTunes separately to double check your account activity
• Remember iTunes will not request your personal details via email or through attached links
• If you have filled in one of the forms, do not use online banking until you have had your computer checked out by an expert. Also consider contacting your bank to make them aware of the situation – money held in your account may be at risk.
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