Message sent by Jennifer van Deursen (Cheshire Police, Media Officer, Chesh Engagement Unit)
Have you got a burning question or issue you want to raise about hate crime?
Cheshire Constabulary will be hosting a webchat with the Chief Constable Simon Byrne and Police & Crime Commissioner John Dwyer on at 7pm Thursday 14 January and we want you to get involved.
The Constabulary is coming to the end of its Hate Crime Campaign, which has spent the last three months tackling hate crime in some of the hot spot areas in Cheshire. The campaign also encouraged people to come forward and report any incidents of hate crime to police.
The webchat is an ideal opportunity to ask further questions on the work that officers are undertaking in this area, and to find out more about how you can get involved in helping us to tackle this type of crime.
The web chat will run from 7pm until 8.30pm on Thursday 14 January. You can get involved bylogging onto the Cheshire police website at, through Twitter using #hatecrimechat, or by sending questions in advance by emailing corporatecommunications@
Please note that we cannot discuss individual cases on the webchat and we will take questions on issues other than hate crime.
Message sent by Ian Harding (Police, PC, Chester LPU PC)
There has recently been a spike in relation to Shed Burglaries following the Christmas period, especially in and around the Frodsham area whereby high value pedal cycles have been stolen. We are advising residents to be vigilant around what they are storing in their sheds and ensuring high value property is secured and locked away. Please contact us 999 or 101 to report any suspicious activity.
Message sent by Phil Brandreth (Police, PCSO, Chester LPU Rural & Frodsham PCSO)
Good afternoon,
Unfortunately in the Helsby area recently, there has been a number of break ins to sheds and out houses in the area of Kings Drive and Mountain View. Residents are being advised to lock any valuable equipment away and keep it out of sight. If you can keep it safe in your house.
If you do see any vehicle or person acting suspiciously in your area please call 101 immediately or 999 in an emergency to report it.
There will be an increase in patrols in the area both in marked and unmarked police vehicles and also on foot patrol.
With it being Christmas time please take extra precaution when coming in and out of your homes. If you need to defrost a car then please do not leave it running whilst you stay in your home. Keep all keys for vehicles out of sight and away from easily accessible points such as windows, doors and letter boxes.
On behalf of Cheshire Police wishing you a Merry Christmas.
PCSO Jonathan Finchett
PCSO Phil Brandreth
Message sent by Ashley Lawton (Cheshire Fire , Administrator, Cheshire Fire)
Welcome to the December edition of the Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service e-Newsletter.
Give Santa a helping hand this Christmas by following his Christmas safety tips. Many of the things we enjoy during this festive period, such as the fairy lights, candles, paper hats and decorations, can all be fire hazards when proper care is not taken.
Find out more - 12 days of Christmas - fire safety tips
The annual Christmas Drink Drive crackdown in Cheshire has been launched with a warning to motorists for the festive period.
The key message to drivers is: If you are driving don't drink! If you plan to have a drink this Christmas, please leave your car at home.
Find out more information - Don't drink and drive
Read more: Firelink Enewsletter For December 2015 From Cheshire Fire And Rescue Service 11/12/2015
Message sent by Liz Biddle (Police, Community Engagement Officer, Chesh Engagement Unit)
Please click on the link below to complete a short questionnaire asking for your views about how Cheshire police can send you information and other ways we may be able to keep you informed and listen to your views.
The survey closes on Monday 21st December 2015.
Thank you for your support
Community Engagement Team - Cheshire Constabulary
Click here for full calendar