Kingsley Village
in the heart of Cheshire
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Cheshire Constabulary
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Rural Watch Update

Dear Rural watch members

Due to the 2 reports of theft of quad from the Macclesfield area please ensure you are taking all the security measures you can around this vehicle:-
• Keys always removed when not in use
• Block quad in with another vehicle
• Use locks and floor mounts
• Consider tackers, data tagging etc
• Review the security around your buildings – Lights are working, buildings are left secure, gates closed

The team did a joint night time operation with Merseyside Police and Lancashire Rural team to target organised criminals involved in the theft of Landover defenders. Stop checks were carried out to check the right person was behind the wheel and the STOPMe stickers were given out.
Layers of security are good, something hidden, something visual and then hidden security measures

This operation is continuing to support our countryside locations so that everyone is able to enjoy the areas. The countryside code link is a great and simple way for people to ensure they are being responsible

A Swift Expression caravan has been reported stolen from the Congleton area. This occurred between 17.00-0800 27/4. If you have any dash cam footage that could help us please contact and quote ref IML974979.
Please review your security at yards or storage facilities

We are receiving a number of incidents in relation to hedge/ tree cutting and nesting birds.
It is not illegal to cut trees or hedges however there are certain considerations you should take in to account before doing so.
Check for tree preservation orders which can be found on your local council website.
Check for nesting birds as all wild birds are protected. This includes their nests (whilst in use or being built) as well as any eggs the nest may contain.
The main bird-breeding season is recognised as being between 1 March and 31 August therefore the risk of committing any offences is increased between these dates. It is recommended that if you undertake any work within these dates you should check the hedge for any signs of breeding activity first.

Kind regards
PCSO Wilson
Rural Crime Team
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Message Sent By
Sarah Wilson (Police, PCSO, Rural Crime Team)

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Cheshire Constabulary
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The Countryside Code

Good morning!

Natural England have just launched their new version of The Countryside Code.

As restrictions start to ease and we look forward to more freedom in the near future we expect that more people will start to enjoy time in the countryside once again.

The Countryside Code has great practical advice so that you can plan your trip.
It explains best practice in the countryside so that we can all support our rural communities in the best way.

The Rural Crime Team will look forward to seeing some of you at our future events when covid restrictions lift.
Keep up to date on our activities on Facebook @CheshPolRural.

#RuralCrime #WildlifeCrime #HeritageCrime #WasteCrime

Kind regards

PCSO Graham
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Neighbourhood Watch
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Dog Theft Survey

Dear Simon

Neighbourhood Watch Network is supporting Sussex's Police and Crime Commissioner, Katy Bourne, who, in partnership with the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC), has created an online survey designed to understand the public’s perception of dog theft, enforcement, and the prosecution of offenders.

The survey includes a question seeking views on whether dogs should be treated in law merely as property when they are stolen. Having a common understanding of how the public feels about this issue will help inform discussions that PCCs and NWN will have nationally, as well as allow police forces to better understand the public’s views.

Mrs Bourne said: "Pet theft, dog theft in particular, is a growing concern for the public and their fear has been perpetuated over the last couple of weeks with shocking reports in the media of more dogs being snatched by criminals.

"I am incredibly eager to get more detail around this issue and understand residents’ views and if they feel more could be done to respond to their concerns or for more preventative measures to be put in place to better protect their pets.”

Neighbourhood Watch Network have just been approached to help support this campaign so apologies for the short notice as the survey closes on Friday12th March.  Please, if you can, and haven't already, take a couple of minutes to complete the survey as your support and views are really valuable to us.

Link to survey is here:

Kind regards


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Neighbourhoood Watch Network is a charity registered in England & Wales, CIO no: 1173349

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Central Support Team (NWN, Neighbourhood Watch Network, England and Wales)

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Action Fraud (NFIB)
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Worried About Getting Hacked?

Dear Subscriber,

Over 15,000 hacked email and social media accounts reported in one year.

If a hacker got into your email or social media account, what would they find? Health and banking information? Names and contact details for your friends and family? Private photos and messages? For most people, it’s at least one of those.

Your email and social media accounts contain a wealth of personal information about you, which makes them a lucrative target for cyber criminals. Between February 2020 and February 2021, Action Fraud received 15,214 reports about email and social media account hacking. The majority of reports (88%) were made by individuals, with 12% of reports being made by businesses. Analysis of the crime reports revealed that Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat were the most affected social media accounts, with phishing messages being the most common tactic used by cyber criminals to lure unsuspecting victims.

The motivation behind the hacks are varied and can range from financial gain, to revenge or personal amusement. Some victims are extorted for money, whilst others have their accounts used to send malicious links to their contacts. One victim who had multiple email and social media accounts hacked paid over £2,000 to regain access to them. Another victim reported that her hacked Facebook account was used to trick her friends into sending money into a PayPal account they thought belonged to her.

Secure your email and social media accounts in just a few minutes. Here's what you need to do:

1: Use a strong and separate password for your email, as well as other important accounts, such as  your banking or social media accounts.

2: Enable two-factor authentication (2FA). It will help to stop hackers from getting into your online accounts, even if they have your password.

3: If you can't access your account, search the company's online support or help pages. You'll find information about how to recover your account.

For detailed instructions on how to reset your password or enable 2FA on your accounts, visit:

(Please forward this email to any friends, family members or colleagues that may find this information useful)

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Action Fraud (Action Fraud, Administrator, National)

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Cheshire Constabulary
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Doorstep Parcel Theft

Subject - Preventing theft from your door step

Dear Resident,

Thefts from a doorstep are when a parcel that has been delivered to your home or business address is stolen from where it was left by the delivery driver.
This is a growing trend across the country, as thieves take advantage of the opportunity to steal unattended parcels.

Preventing theft from your doorstep
Here are some things you could do to reduce the risk of doorstep theft:
  • track your parcel to ensure you or someone else is at home for the delivery
  • install a video doorbell; this can be connected to your mobile so you are notified immediately of any delivery, and is easier to install than a full CCTV system
  • install a security light
  • arrange for your parcel to be delivered to a trusted neighbour, or other family members who will be at home; if you live in a flat, is there a concierge who could accept the parcel for you?
  • use an off-site locker service for frequent deliveries, or for expensive items; these parcel boxes are more likely to be in busy, safer locations - such as supermarkets - rather than secluded areas which could be targeted by thieves

Stay Safe,
Kind regards,
PCSO Wendy Leason

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Message Sent By
Wendy Leason (Police, Community Support Officer, Saughall)


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