Kingsley Village
in the heart of Cheshire
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Neighbourhood Watch
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Could You Help Run Neighbourhood Watch In Cheshire

The Cheshire Neighbourhood Watch Association (CNWA) are looking for individuals to help run Neighbourhood Watch in Cheshire. Details of the vacancy for Neighbourhood Watch Administration Volunteers, can be found on the Cheshire Police website via the below link, if anyone has any time that they can offer to help:
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Message Sent By
Clare Harrison (NWN, MSA, Cheshire)

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Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire
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Local Residents To Have Their Say on How Cheshire is Policed

I’m proud to present to you my draft Police and Crime Plan, which sets out Cheshire’s policing priorities for the next three years.

The overarching priorities from now until 2024 are to:
  • Prevent and tackle crime
  • Make Cheshire’s roads safer
  • Deliver justice for victims of crime
  • Protect vulnerable people
  • Improve public confidence in policing
  • Modernise our police force
The plan has been produced with Cheshire residents' priorities for community safety at its heart but I want your views on whether it will make Cheshire even safer

Read the plan here.

Take the survey to give your views.

The consultation closes at 23.59 hours on Sunday 15th August 2021. 

Once the consultation is closed, the responses will be analysed and amendments to the plan will be made before the final draft is presented at the September meeting of Cheshire’s Police and Crime Panel.

If you’d like to request a hard copy of the plan or survey, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view or call 01606 364000.
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Message Sent By
Jennifer van Deursen (Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Communications Officer, Cheshire)

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Get Safe Online
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Scam Advice Session - This Tuesday Morning

Dear resident, 

This Tuesday 29th June at 11am Get Safe Online will be holding an exclusive Facebook Live session in collaboration with our partners at Lloyds Banking Group, where we will be providing advice and tips on some of the most commonplace scams.

You and your communities are warmly invited to join us where you can hear advice from our panel of leading fraud prevention experts.

Our Facebook page can be found at . The live event will start streaming on this channel at 11am on Tuesday. Simply access the page at this time to view the session, there is no need to register.

You will also have the opportunity to ask the panel questions during the discussion. 

Topics will include:
Impersonation scams: including scam calls 
Investment scams: the different types of investment scams currently circulating, from promises of ‘high return, low risk’ investments to attractive ‘pension pots’. 
Purchase scams: With many people purchasing more products more frequently online, purchase and delivery scams have become rife in recent months. We’ll discuss some of the most commonplace, and how you can avoid them.

Attached is an e-leaflet providing all the details, as well as social media posts that you are able to use to share details of the session, if helpful. 

We look forward to seeing you and your communities there!

Many thanks
the Get Safe Online team

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Message Sent By
Get Safe Online Admin (Get Safe Online, Content Director, National)

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Cheshire Constabulary
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Warm Weather Crime Prevention

With the weather set to be very warm for the coming week, please take time to take care of your home security.

If you are enjoying the sun in your garden, make sure that your front door and any windows are not left open, as Burglars can be very quick and quiet entering your property.

At night before you go to bed, make sure all windows, especially those on the ground floor, and all doors are secured.

#enjoytheweather #beattheburglar

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Message Sent By
Stephen Parr (Police, Police Community Support Officer (Coach), Chester)

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Neighbourhood Watch
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Covid Vaccine Passport Scam

We have been made aware of a Covid Vaccine Passport scam email going around that purports to be from the NHS and informs recipients that they can apply for their “Digital Coronavirus Passports”

Clicking on the link within the email, takes you to a convincing but fake NHS website that asks for personal and payment details. (for an admin fee)

The website has since been taken down, but in case similar emails/websites appear can you please circulate the attached alert to your residents, members, groups and mailing lists.

And just to reiterate, your vaccination status is obtained FREE through the NHS App, website or by calling the NHS on 119.

More information can be found on the website;

Please note that any Phishing scams can be reported to  SERS (Suspicious Email Reporting Service):

Best wishes

Neighbourhoood Watch Network is a charity registered in England & Wales, CIO no: 1173349

Scam Alert.pdf - 494.6 KB
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Message Sent By
Cheryl Spruce (NWN, Head of Membership and Community Engagement , National)


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