Kingsley Village
in the heart of Cheshire
Tackling the Climate Emergency

January 2024

Energy for everyone

Energy for everyone

The Council has launched an energy saving campaign which will provide residents and businesses with advice and tips on saving energy, reducing bills and helping to cut the carbon emissions of properties. Residents, businesses and community groups are also encouraged to share what action they have taken locally to save energy in their properties.

Stories submitted so far include a video by Chester Zoo sharing details about the energy solutions they installed across a range of buildings, someone sharing their experience of installing an air source heat pump in their home and the local Citizen’s Advice service sharing details of the support provided to those in fuel poverty.

Visit the Energy for Everyone hub for more information

River Bollin surrounded by trees

Riparian woodlands project launches in Cheshire and Merseyside

The Mersey Forest, the area’s Community Forest, has recently launched a riparian woodland creation project which aims to help reduce flood risk and improve water quality by increasing tree cover along the watercourses of Cheshire and Merseyside. Landowners with rivers or streams on their land are encouraged to get in touch to find out about The Mersey Forest’s grants and free support.

Find out more about the grants available

Loft insulation being installed

Grant for properties not heated by mains gas

Residents with properties that are not heated by mains gas and have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of Band D, E, F or G could benefit from funding through the Home Upgrade Grant to help improve the energy efficiency of their home. Eligible households could benefit from a range of improvements through the grant, including insulation for walls, floors and lofts, air source heat pumps and solar panels for electricity generation.

Visit the Council’s website for full eligibility criteria and to apply

One of Chester's Park and Ride buses

Half fare February on Chester's Park and Ride

The Council is offering half price travel on Chester's Park and Ride service throughout February 2024. It follows on from the success of free travel during January, which saw an impressive 62,001 trips on the Park and Ride service. This latest discount has also been made possible by funding from the Department of Transport under its Bus Service Improvement Plan + grant.

Read the full story on the Climate Emergency Inspire site

Energy efficient home

New sustainability group for Winsford

A new community group has been set up in Winsford to look at what can be done about the breakdown of our climate and nature, plus the health benefits of action. The Winsford Sustainability Partners group is hosting their first meeting on Wednesday, 31 January, 7.30pm – 9pm at Asda Community Room in Winsford. The first meeting will focus on heat in homes: how to improve comfort and save money and carbon.

Find out more about the new group on the Climate Emergency Inspire website

Welcoming spaces - two people having a cup of coffee

Expect a warm welcome when visiting one of many Welcoming Spaces across the borough

Welcoming Spaces continue to be available to all residents of Cheshire West. They offer a safe and warm welcoming space where people can connect with others in their community and make new friends.

The network of Welcoming Spaces includes Council libraries, churches, community centres and more and many, such as the Council’s libraries offer a range of free activities to take part in, if you wish.

Find out more about Welcoming Spaces in the borough

Mount farm way pond

More projects supported through the Cheshire West Crowd

The Council has pledged more than £40,000 to further community projects as part of the current funding round on the Cheshire West Crowd. Run by the Council in partnership with Spacehive, the Cheshire West Crowd allows everyone to put forward community-led projects and attract funding to make the borough more vibrant, resilient and connected. The latest round includes a project to restore a pond and greenspace in Great Sutton.

Read more about the Cheshire West Crowd

Castle Park tree trail

Technology and trees in Castle Park, Frodsham

The popular tree trail in Castle Park, Frodsham now has added technology, with QR codes alongside the trees, so visitors find out more about the nature around them.

The first of the 19 trees in the trail is an impressive Copper Beech near the entrance which is approximately 200 years old.

Read more about the tree trail

Seasonal fruit and vegetables

Eat the seasons

Knowing what is in season and sourcing produce that is grown locally can help us choose the best options to eat a healthy, sustainable diet. Many types of produce are now available throughout the year in our supermarkets, but those things grown in hot houses or with short shelf lives, that have been transported here by air, can have a much higher carbon footprint. Cutting down food waste can also be a positive step to help cut down households’ carbon footprints.

Read more about eating a sustainable diet

Eco Communities logo

Sustainable events and talks by Eco Communities

Eco Communities, a local environmental group, has a range of inspiring in-person events and talks on its online Tellus TV station.  Join in with a litter pick or a People Planet Pint catch-up. If you are planning to host your own event this year, make sure you sign up for the Tellus TV session on how to host a sustainable event

Visit the Eco Communities website for more details


I have been incredibly fortunate to secure a series of bucket collections as part of a Charity of The Year Partnership between ourselves ‘Alzheimer’s Society’ and ‘Run Cheshire’. I have provided the dates and times that we require volunteers. Also, I would like to state that it isn’t mandatory to do all the bucket collections, even if you can just help with one, it would be appreciated.

Cheshire Elite 10K

Location: Kingsley   

Date:24th March 2024   

Time TBC


Mid Cheshire 5K

Location: Kingsley      

Date:  26th April 2024          

Needed at-6:15pm until 9:00pm


Mid Cheshire 5K

Location: Kingsley

Date: 23rd August 2024

Needed at 6:15pm until 9:00pm


Please, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you can support with these bucket collections.


Kind Regards, 

Jess Mackenzie (She/Her)

Community Fundraiser – Cheshire

Alzheimer's Society

Direct line: 07745107406

The September 2023 Delamere Forest Update can be read by downloading Neighbours Information Update September 2023.pdf


The Woodland Creation Team from Forestry England recently ran a consultation on proposals for a new woodland at Hondslough Wood, adjacent to Delamere Forest. 

The results have been summarised and with response to the key issues raised included in a consultation report which can be viewed on the website at:

They will shortly be applying to the Forestry Commission for permission to plant the new woodland.  As plans progress, the website at: will be updated.

Contact details as follows:

Woodland Creation Team

Forestry England

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

itravel is an app-based concept supported by the Department for Transport, which offers on-demand pre-bookable travel. itravel is designed to improve links within the designated zone between rural areas and centers where connections can be made to other bus and rail services.

What is itravel?

For more information on itravel and how you can use it, please see the following PDF that will either open in your browser or be downloaded for offline reading 

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