Kingsley Village
in the heart of Cheshire


I am sorry to announce that Anne Kavanagh is resigning from her role of leading the Kingsley Youth Group.

Anne Kavanagh and Charlie Shelton have been the soul of KYG and they deserve no end of thanks for enabling so many young people to benefit from their enthusiasm and skills. It has been a genuine pleasure working with them over the years with many enjoyable times. It must be very hard for Anne to give it up after all she put in but, as has been said, the effort her and Charlie put in did a lot of good for a lot of people over a long period.

The main reason for Anne resigning is that we have tried for nearly two years now to recruit qualified Youth Workers with no success. COVID was obviously a major factor but as the danger recedes (we hope!) there is no sign of anyone volunteering despite numerous appeals.

We would make a final appeal for someone from the Kingsley community to take Anne’s place. Please contact John Carson on 07967 482992 if you are interested. If we cannot get a replacement by the end of February the intention is for myself and the Board of Trustees to also resign and wind up Kingsley Youth Group on 31st  March 2022.

If that is the case then I would like to thank the Board of Trustees for their support and also the many people in Kingsley who helped fund the Group through various events such as the Summer Ball, the Gin tasting and the Fete (special thanks to the Red Bull and it’s many helpers) and others.

Hopefully the Youth Club will re-surface in a different form in the future.

Many thanks
John Carson
Treasurer and Chair of the Board of Trustees

During last summer, Cheshire West and Chester Council asked for feedback to help with planning a pre-booked flexible bus service for the Frodsham, Helsby and surrounding rural areas. We had a great response and are especially grateful to all who agreed to receive an update or provide further help.

As a reminder, to use this new bus service, passengers will choose journeys to book on to, using an app or by telephone. The route is flexible so passengers can get on or off the minibus either at, or close to where they are travelling from or to in the area.

The link below describes the service we hope to be able to introduce as well as asking you a few questions. Your responses will be greatly appreciated as we take forward bring this service to our communities. Please complete the questions within the link by the end of SUNDAY 6th MARCH 2022.

If you would like any clarification please contact Terry Hull (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), telephone 01244 977216

Many thanks

Rural Mobility Fund team

New recycling bins and an information pack will be delivered to your property a week before the new service is due to start. Please make sure that you read the information contained in the pack as it provides information on when your recycling and waste is collected and what can be recycling in each container. 

Garden waste collection

In line with our new Waste Management Strategy, the free garden waste collection service ended on Friday 3 December 2021. From Monday 28 February 2022, garden waste collections will become a chargeable service. Residents will therefore need to subscribe and pay for all their garden bins to be emptied by us. Garden waste bins will not be emptied without a valid subscription and displayed permit.

Read more and subscribe at

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