Message sent by
Liz Biddle (Police, Community Engagement Officer, Chesh Engagement Unit)
Rural Crime Warning – Theft in Rural Areas – West Cheshire
Cheshire police are asking residents to be vigilant following reports of thefts from farms and household burglary specifically targeting rural areas.
The most recent incidents have been in areas of Backford and Ledsham (rural areas north of Chester), however we are circulating this warning across all rural areas of Cheshire.
In particular we are asking the public to contact us if they have information about, or sightings of, the following vehicle:-
Red Peugeot 206, registration X789####
If you have any information which may relate to this vehicle, or have similar suspicions about the activities of people or vehicles in other rural areas please contact Cheshire Police.
Ring 101
Quote incident number 546 of 18/08/2015
The July litter pick had 8 of our team collected 9 bags of litter. Yet again most of the litter was to be found on Kingsley's through roads.
Thank you to those who pick up litter and help to keep our village tidy. The next litter picks will be on Saturday 5th September and Saturday 10th October.
Could you give an hour once a month to help keep our village clean and tidy?
We will start at 10.00 am at the Community Centre.
New helpers are always welcome.
We provide all the equipment needed.
Eila Birtwistle – Litter pick co-ordinator.
IGas Energy, who has been safely and successfully exploring for and producing oil and gas onshore in the UK for over 30 years, is in the process of acquiring data to build up an image of rock formations in the area.
One technique used to understand the underground geology is to undertake a seismic survey. We have commissioned a three-dimensional (3D) survey across the Ince, Stoke, Thornton-Le-Moors, Little Stanney, Elton and Frodsham Marsh areas.
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Message sent by Phil Brandreth (Police, PCSO, Western Rural NPU)
July 2015 Monthly Newsletter for Kingsley
As the local Police Community Support officer for Kingsley I have decided to write monthly entries to let you know of any issues or problems in the area and what I have been doing with my time.
Fortunately there have been no major incidents in the village this past month and everything has been quiet. Let’s hope it stays this way. I do still urge all residents if you see anything or anyone that you feel to be suspicious please contact 101 immediately or email me directly.
Speeding has been a main complaint this past month especially on the roads Top Road, Hollow Lane by the school and also Middle Lane. I have been working closely with Parish Councillor David Vickers and some other residents to devise a plan of action moving forward. Until then I will continue to deploy our speed activation device in the village which highlights to drivers the speed they are travelling. Along with this I will also continue to go out with the speed gun at various times of the day. We are working with the local council also to get statistics from all the roads which calculate the average speed of drivers and the peak times for speeding. From this information we will be able to collaborate it and assess the situation a bit more clearly.
Parking around the shops in Kingsley is still a problem especially on the double yellow lines. This has been an ongoing problem since I started but I will continue to educate drivers on the risks and problems with parking on double yellow lines. I will also be working with the Community Safety Wardens who have the power to issue tickets for parking on the yellow lines.
I am still holding Police Beat Management Meetings monthly at Gibson Mill coffee shop and also the Community Centre. My next meetings are on 22nd August at 11am at Gibson Mill and 12pm at the Community Centre. I always advertise my local meetings on the Village Notice Board, on the village Facebook page and in the local businesses. I urge all residents if you have a problem or want to report something please come and see me at these times as I would love to be of assistance to you and help you. I really hope moving forward we can continue to work closely to help make the village better for all.
If you have any other issues please contact me on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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Message sent by Phil Brandreth (Police, PCSO, Western Rural NPU)
July 2015 Monthly Newsletter for Kingsley Ward Residents
I am the Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) for the Kingsley ward covering the areas of Kingsley, Hatchmere, Norley, Crowton, Sutton Weaver, Aston and Newton. If you feel like you need to report anything to me or mention anything worrying you or simply just meet your local officer please contact me on the following:
PCSO Phil Brandreth 21596
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Kingsley Local News
You Said We Did
You said: Speeding in the village is still a problem.
We did: Your local officer has continued to carry out speed enforcement in the village especially along Middle Lane, Hollow Lane and Top Road. I will continue to go out with the speed gun and also with our speed activation device known as Smiley SID. I have also been in touch with local councillors to discuss matters moving forward and also gathered road statistics on average speeds drivers are going on all the complained roads.
You said: Parking outside the shops on the yellow lines is getting worse.
We did: Your local officer has been out advising motorists about parking on the yellow lines and also hope to sort some days where the Community Safety Warden can come out to the village to issue straight fines for parking on the yellow lines.
Sutton Weaver Local News
You Said We Did
You said: Parking around Station Road, Beech Road and Cedar Avenue is a problem
We did: Your local officer has started making daily patrols around this area monitoring the parking and advising motorists who are obstructing the pavements. Over the past couple of weeks the parking seems to of improved and I will continue to manage this.
You said: Speeding on the A56
We did: Your local officer has been out with the speed gun numerous times and also deployed our speed activation device indicating to motorists the speed they are travelling. I will continue to monitor this problem and hope to educate motorists over the next few months.
Norley Local News
You Said We Did
You said: speeding motorists on High Street, Norley
We did: Your local officer has been out with the speed gun monitoring the speed and educating drivers. This will be a regular occurrence in the village from now on. A speed activation device has also been deployed in the village on a number of days to educate drivers and show how fast they are travelling.
Hatchmere, Crowton, Aston & Newton Local News
With these areas being fairly new to me I have been going around trying to introduce myself to key people in the areas. I am hoping to build strong relationships with the residents and make sure my face is one everyone knows.
I have been patrolling Aston Lane, Aston due to some recent suspicious vehicles being reported.
In Crowton I have been out with the speed gun and also deployed our speed activation device to make motorists aware of the speed they are travelling and whether it is within the speed limit.
I have been carrying out speed enforcement in all these areas and also trying to find problem areas and times and when speeding is at its worse. If you have suggestions or would like to report a time when speeding on the roads seems to be at its worse, please let me know via my email above.
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